Swing dance & music festival

11th lindy szau's
birthday jam

23 - 26 / 01 / 2025
wrocław | poland


The culmination of the annual work of the Lindy Szau Association is the organization of the largest swing festival in Wrocław -
Lindy Szau's Birthday Jam.
It takes place every year on the last weekend of January and is of particular importance because it is also a jubilee of the Wrocław swing scene. From year to year, this festival is getting bigger and more and more dancers from all over the world have a chance to get to know the hospitality of our community. Since this is a birthday, of course there is also a birthday cake with world famous birthday jam around the cake! No matter if you dance for a long time or a short time, in Wrocław you will feel like at home! Join us and celebrate another birthday with us!



Santiago Arana &
Eugenia Diaco

We are Santi and Euge, dancers and performers from Buenos Aires. We have been dancing together since 2017 as independent dancers...

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Elice Fällström &
Patrik Pettersson

Elice and Patrik from Sweden are lindyhoppers and members of legendary The Hot Shots Dance Company...

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Elze Visnevskyte &
Peter Kertz

Elze and Peter are maybe just the right amount of crazy you’ve been looking for. She comes from Lithuania, while he comes from Los Angeles ...

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Ornella Mickie‍

Visual artist, Ornella Mickie is also dancer, performer and teacher of Lindy Hop and Jazz from Brussels...

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Ira Ishchuk &
Andrew Hsi

Ira started dancing Lindy Hop in 2006 in Kyiv, Ukraine and found that this is the best way to express yourself, have fun, meet people and discover the world.
Andrew, Australian born, raised in China, and educated in the United States.  He started dancing in 2006 ...

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sylwia rozpierska &
Michał ruszkawski

Sylwia and Michał met for the very first time at a lindy hop party in Warsaw over 10 years ago. For as long as they can remember, a joy of sharing a dance with others and a significant influence of music on their improvisation have been essential for their dancing...

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The Shirt tail stompers

The Shirt Tail Stompers have been recognised as one of Europe's best social dance bands. Formed in 2010 for the London Lindy Exchange, they have played numerous dance camps and shows in over 25 countries all over the world...

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jazz dreamerS XL

We are dreamers, jazz dreamers – hence our name – Jazz Dreamers. The band is made up of musicians who create swing music tailored specifically to the tastes and needs of dancers...

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In addition to a great celebration,
our festival also offers a very extensive range of workshops.

6 hours of Lindy Hop workshops on 4 levels with 4 excellent pairs of instructors.
Classes on Saturday and Sunday.
Levels description below are informational only. In the end, the level depends on You - the participants.
We don't plan to have an audition, we count on your reasonable and fair assessment during the sign up.
We reserve the right to assign you to a different level, than the one you've signed up for (including a higher or a lower level).
In individual cases of a major level mismatch, the instructors will be able to make a decision of moving you to another level, assuming the lead/follow balance will be maintained.
If you sign up as a couple, you must sign up FOR THE SAME DANCE LEVEL.


Eugenia Diaco & Santiago Arana
Elice Fällström & Patrik Pettersson
Elze Visnevskyte & Peter Kertz
Ira Ishchuk & Andrew Hsi


You are a regular visitor of socials in your city. You participate in festivals and workshops at intermediate level. You deal very well with leading / following. You have different figures in your arsenal and from time to time you happen to introduce your variations and improvisations. You feel comfortable dancing Lindy to faster music. You know the basic steps of solo jazz and know choreographies such as Shim Sham or Tranky Doo.

You regularly train and go to international festivals and workshops. You have no problem with leading or following, improvising, really fast, as well as very slow music. You have skills in jazz steps, as well as other swing dances, such as Balboa, Shag, Charleston, etc.

You are a very experienced dancer or teacher in the local Lindy Hop scene. You go to international festivals and workshops. Sometimes you take part in Jack'n'Jill, Mix'n'Match, Strictly Lindy competitions. Sometimes you even manage to win something :) You know classic choreographies like Mama's Stew, Big Apple, California Routine. You freely dance to a fast tempo above 190 BPM.

Invite-only group, by the organizers. After signing up for one of the levels above, you may receive an information from us, that you are invited to the Invitational group. You may receive this info a couple days before the beginning of the festival :)

5 hours Solo Jazz workshops on 2 levels with amazing teachers.
Classes on Saturday and Sunday.
There will be two groups, which we will create basing on your dancing experience.
At the beginning of first classes there will be a possibility to change the group, if the instructors will allow that.
Please note that 2 hours from Solo Jazz track are also offered to other participants. Owners of Solo Jazz Pass shall not register additionally for them.


Ornella Mickie
Elice Fällström
Patrik Pettersson


You know the basics of jazz steps, and you are confident doing variations on this basic steps. You know the Shim Sham and and you feel more and more confident in the Big Apple . You start improvising and delevoping your own style.

You have a lot of experience of solo jazz dancing and/or you are a solo jazz teacher. You dance classical solo jazz choreographies adding your own style and variations. You feel confident improvising and jumping into a jam circle solo. Classes will be focused on advanced concepts, techniques for advanced dancers and improvisation.

6 hours of Lindy Hop Classes for dancers with less than a year dancing experience, but more than 3 months (as of January 2025).
Classes on Saturday and Sunday.


Sylwia Rozpierska & Michał Ruszkawski
Elze Visnevskyte & Peter Kertz
Ira Ishchuk & Andrew Hsi

2.5h class performance-oriented. Lindy Hop or Solo Jazz.
Together with your teachers, you will try to prepare a performance which, with favorable winds, you will present during the party!
classes on Friday.

Perfo Lindy

Eugenia Diaco & Santiago Arana

Perfo solo

Ornella Mickie

A wide range of extra tracks, i.e. thematic classes that you can choose and add to your basic pass - lindy, solo, rookie or party.



12.00 - 13.00
Tweak a Step

We will change the approach to the steps we know, look at them from a different perspective, which will allow us to create and create surprising variations and at the same time maintain the feeling of a given step.

15.00 - 16.00
Full Body Movement in Jazz

Let's explore how to dance to jazz music with whole body!

15.00 - 16.00
Ira & Andrew
Close Your Eyes and Feel

We will work on connection to the music and your partner by closing your eyes and focusing attention on touch sensation. The class is based on contact improvisation and will be good for all dancers of all Lindy Hop levels.

16.20 - 17.20
Sylwia & Michał
Charleston Shortcuts: Structure & Transitions

Intuitive ways to match basic Charleston figures in surprising ways using the swing structure of music: AABA. A pure pleasure and a must have for every lover of effortless Charleston.



15.00 - 16.00
Sylwia & Michał
Lighting Fast
Level Nightmare

We open up proven methods for you to increase the tempo of fast swing outs to the limits of possibilities. In addition to the increasing number of bpms, expect a rush of endorphins.

15.00 - 16.00
Solo Jazz Intermediate

Jump in into Solo Jazz Intermediate class with Elice!
If you already have a Solo Jazz Pass, this class is included.

15.00 - 16.00
Solo Jazz Advanced

Jump in into Solo Jazz Advanced class with Patrik
If you already have a Solo Jazz Pass, these classes are included.

16.15 - 17.15
Santi & Euge
A very cool charleston sequence!

Learn a very cool charleston sequence! Lot of fun guaranteed!



16.00 - 17.00
Peter & Elze
Closed position variation

Elze and Peter will show us some variations in the closed position that won't disrupt the flow of the couple!

16.00 - 17.00
Solo Jazz Intermediate

Jump in into Solo Jazz Intermediate class with Patrik
If you already have a Solo Jazz Pass, these classes are included.

16.00 - 17.00
Solo Jazz Advanced

Jump in into Solo Jazz Advanced class with Elice.
If you already have a Solo Jazz Pass, these classes are included.

Tasters class are open and free of additional payment for all of the holders of one of the main pass: lindy, solo, rookie or party.
Take place at the very beginning of the evening party, no need to sign up for them. Just jump in!


all parties will take place at the
Agora Cultural Center, ul. Serbska 5a



During party:
DJs music
Welcome hugs! 



During party:
Live music:
The Shirt Tail Stompers
Jazz Dreamers XL
Mix and Match Open
Teachers Introduction



During party:
Live music:
The Shirt Tail Stompers
Jazz Dreamers XL
Mix and Match Advanced
Birthday Jam with THE CAKE!



During party:
Live music:
Jazz Dreamers
DJ Battle

At the moment, we do not sell tickets for individual parties.

schedule of workshops


Code of conduct

We are dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable event experience to all guests of Lindy Szau’s Birthday Jam regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, psychosexual orientation, gender identity, disability, physical appearance, religion (or lack thereof) or political persuasion, and we count on you to help us in this effort! The secret to having a good time, in addition to excellent music, comfortable shoes, a great dance floor and good company, is mutual respect. Therefore, inappropriate physical contact and physical or verbal harassment of any kind, including offensive comments and unwanted photos and/or videos, will not be tolerated.Please report any inappropriate behavior to the festival organizers.
See you on the dance floor!
Lindy Szau
Natalia, Michał, Bartłomiej


1. Event is organized under the name "11th Lindy Szau's Birthday Jam!" (further called as “Event”).
2. Event is organized by Lindy Szau Association (further called as "Organizers").
3. By filling out and submitting this registration form, the registering person is confirming their intent to participate in the Event.
4. Underage people may take part in the Event only with a written permission by the parent or legal guardian.
5. By filling out and submitting this registration, the participant agrees for processing of personal data by the organizers as necessary for the completion of the registration process as permitted by law (In accordance with the Act of the 29th of September 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Dz. U. nr 133 poz. 883) and RODO - Regulation of the European Parliament and of the European Union Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / WE.
6. Number of places in the Event is limited.
7. The schedule of the Event may be subject to change.
8. The Event may be cancelled due to unforeseen events. In such case, the participant payment will be refunded in full or in partial amount, depending on the organizational costs of the Event.9. Filling this registration form does not guarantee participation in the Event. After submitting the form, the participant will receive an e-mail confirming the registration. The final confirmation of the participation is made by making a payment of the admission fee. 10. The Organizer allows payment for the admission to the Event in installments. In the e-mail confirming the participation in the Event there will be payment amounts and due dates.
11. In case of lack of payment of funds by the due dates, the registration will be cancelled and the funds paid are not refundable.
12. In case of cancellation of the participant's participation in the Event after payment of part or all of the fee, no refund will be possible. We allow the possibility of transferring the admission fee in the Event to another participant, after contacting the Organizer and his consent.
13. Transfer of the admission in the Event is possible only to a participant taking part in the Event in the same dance role and at the same dance level.
14. The Organizers reserve the right to use any photographs and films taken during the Event for promotional reasons. The participant has the right to refuse - in such case written statement is necessary.
15. All the participants during the Event agree to obey the instructions given by the Organizers and other persons involved in the Event. The Organizers do not take responsibility for any participant’s accidents (including injuries and health damages) and losses, thefts and possession’s damages happened for any reason. We recommend having valid medical examinations and insurance.
16. The Organizers reserve the right to exclude a person disturbing the Event's course, being inebriated or under the influence of intoxicants from the participation in the Event without any refund.
17. The Organizers commit to all efforts guaranteeing a nice and friendly atmosphere during the Event.18. Depending on the development of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Poland, the Organizer reserves the right to introduce additional conditions for participation in the Event. In such case, all participants will be informed about it immediately.